Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Where are you in your path of life?
Indonesia is known for being one of the most diverse countries in the world! I have learned some pretty interesting things over the months here in Indonesia. The country is made up of roughly 17,000 islands with only 6,000 that are actually inhabited by its 300 distinct ethnic people groups. Of those 300 groups around 740 languages are spoken. I am still working on my first. The islands string across the Pacific and Australian tectonic plates which make it a site for numerous volcanoes and earthquakes. The last I heard, there are currently 150 active volcanoes! In 2004 one of the largest natural disasters ever, took place in northern Sumatra as an earthquake triggered a tsunami killing nearly 170,000 people. It is now known as the "Asian Tsunami" as it affected 11 Asian countries. Though it may not be the safest place in the world....I am happy to call it my new home! I thought I would share just a few of my favorite photos so far of the mountains, hills, skies, forests, farm lands and everything in between.
I'm not going to lie... I posted this picture only because my childhood dream of becoming a motorcycle man has finally come true!!!